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Kobe Bryant throws a threesome on these AR clothes

Auf diesen AR-Klamotten wirft Kobe Bryant einen Dreier

Image: Droddz

A British designer brings clothes to life through augmented reality . This is what it looks like when designs suddenly move.

The Beatles, Amazon, Adidas, Billie Eilish, Disney. These are just a few brands and artists who have already collaborated with Doddz. Andy “Doddz” Evans started out as a street artist and is now a sought-after augmented reality designer. However, you can only see his “Interactive Fashion” if you scan it with your smartphone beforehand.

Augmented Reality Brings Clothes To Life

About five years ago, Andy Evans, nicknamed “Doddz”, wanted go other ways artistically and began to experiment with new technologies. The choice quickly fell on Augmented Reality.