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Image: Droddz
A British designer brings clothes to life through augmented reality . This is what it looks like when designs suddenly move.
The Beatles, Amazon, Adidas, Billie Eilish, Disney. These are just a few brands and artists who have already collaborated with Doddz. Andy “Doddz” Evans started out as a street artist and is now a sought-after augmented reality designer. However, you can only see his “Interactive Fashion” if you scan it with your smartphone beforehand.
Augmented Reality Brings Clothes To Life
About five years ago, Andy Evans, nicknamed “Doddz”, wanted go other ways artistically and began to experiment with new technologies. The choice quickly fell on Augmented Reality.
“It was clear that there wasn’t going to be much AR art as it’s very much in its infancy. Once I experimented with augmented reality, the response was significantly different, in a good way, than any previous attempt. So I doubled the effort and here we are,” the artist explains in an interview.
When the t-shirt logo suddenly plays basketball
Many of his AR designs are based on social media on Metas Spark AR, which enables the integration of 3D effects into 2D content through marker tracking. Unlike fashion label Carling’s AR Instagram shirts, where a static logo design appears on a white shirt, Doddz’s clothing is interactive.
The design will start moving as soon as you scan it with your smartphone. A Star Wars-themed fighter on the back of a tracksuit jacket suddenly starts brandishing a lightsaber. A basketball player starts throwing some baskets on the back of a sweater.
3D-Artists conquer the fashion and advertising industry
3D artists like Doddz are becoming for the fashion and luxury industry increasingly important. Brands like L’Oréal and Louis Vuitton want to conquer the metaverse and have to break new ground to do so. L’Oréal has been investing in AR apps for years and took over 2018 the start-up Modiface.
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Asmita Dubey, Chief Digital and Marketing Officer at L’Oréal, will work with animators, 3D artists and software engineers to prepare the brand for the Metaverse.
“We’re thinking about immersive experiences. We know we’re going to transition from 2D to 3D beauty, so how does that look? And from there we look at virtual influences, avatars, products and collectibles. We’re exploring all of this to understand the new visual codes, the new ways people see beauty in the Metaverse.” AR artist sees augmented reality on the rise
Evans cooperates with his company with many big brands from sports, fashion and tech. He designs entire AR campaigns for Sony, Twitch or the Coachella Festival.
Augmented Reality is one of the central ones for him technologies of the coming years. According to the 53, AR glasses could -year-old designers will soon replace the smartphone if they become lighter, more comfortable and more durable.
” Mobile devices have taken us as far as they can. Staring at the screen feels unnatural and disconnects us from our surroundings. With AR, you can do everything a phone can and then some. You are connected to an enhanced version of your environment,” says Doddz.
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